Make a Donation

The Market Theatre is run entirely by volunteers.  It is owned and managed by Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society (LADS), which is a registered Charity (no. 1174743).

If you appreciate the work we do and would like to make a donation, this page will help make this as easy as possible.

Financing our combined heat-pump and air conditioning system, which has allowed us to open fully, has, despite generous grants and donations (including those from The Foyle Foundation, The Beckett Bulmer and William A. Cadbury Trusts), required us to dig deep into our reserves.  If you feel that you would like to help us reduce the effects of this enormous bill, please make a donation by one of the methods detailed below.
We really appreciate any support you can give us.

Methods of Donating to LADS:

  1. You can send a cheque (payable to ‘LADS’) to:
    LADS – c/o The Treasurer
    5 Upper Hall
    Worcester Road
    Ledbury   HR8 1JA
  2. You can make a BACS payment direct into our account
    (please make the reference ‘Donation’, followed by your surname so that we know who to thank!)
    Please click here for details.

If you choose either of these methods, please consider Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.
This would increase the value of your gift to us by 25% at no further cost to you!
To make use of this, please download and complete this form and either enclose it with your cheque, or email it to our Treasurer.

  1. Legacy

A Legacy is ‘a gift to someone left in a Will’.
In order to bequeath a legacy to LADS, you need to make sure it is included in your Will.
The three main types of legacy that you could leave to a charity are:

  • Residuary Legacy:
    Once all other gifts have been made, ie. to your family, friends or others from your estate, a residuary legacy is a gift
    of the remainder or part of your estate.  It is a fraction of your estate rather than a cash sum that will retain its value over time.
  • Pecuniary Legacy:
    Is a monetary gift of a specified amount.
  • Specific Legacy:
    Is a gift of personal possessions: this may be land, buildings, furniture, antiques or jewellery.

How do I Leave a Legacy?

To include LADS in your Will is an easy, straightforward and cost effective way to support us.
You would need to add a short clause or codicil to your Will.

Thank you!