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Live Show

NKP Theatre Company presents

Vita & Virginia (abridged)

by Eileen Atkins

Saturday 15th June at 7:30pm

NKP Theatre Company presents

Vita & Virginia (abridged)

by Eileen Atkins

Virginia Woolf meets fellow author Vita Sackville-West in London in the 1920s.  They embark on a 20-year relationship that inspires one of Virginia’s most famous novels, Orlando.

Abridged by the cast from the original play by Eileen Atkins, Vita & Virginia deftly brings to life the real letters and diaries of the two women, revealing deep friendship, wit and passion between the literary genius and the aristocratic yet middle-brow poet.

***** Emma Francis and Ruth Cattell smash it! - Edinburgh Reviews
***** An intense and snappy play which represents the very best of what theatre is capable of - Edfringe Review
**** A wondrous exploration of the epistolary side of their near-romance - Broadway World
A beautifully sensitive portrayal of a remarkable love story - Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain


